Informationen für Incoming Exchange Students
General information for international applicants and exchange program students:
Subject co-ordinators
Exchange students and students participating in exchange programmes can attend almost all courses at FAU. However, we recommend that you contact your subject co-ordinator to discuss your choice of courses. The subject co-ordinator is your point of contact at our University and will help you choose the courses which are right for you. Your subject co-ordinator must also sign your Learning Agreement. Your Learning Agreement is not valid without this signature.
General advice
Please adress general questions concerning ERASMUS+ to Mrs. Kerstin Maurer ( International Office of Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie)
Kerstin Maurer
Serviceeinheiten der Philosophischen Fakultät und des Fachbereichs Theologie
Internationales Büro (Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie)
- Telefon: +49 9131 85-23028
- E-Mail:
Subject-specific co-ordinator
Please adress questions concerning the course catalogue and your Learning Agreement to:
Dr. Matthias Maser
Department Geschichte
Lehrstuhl für Mittelalterliche Geschichte
- Telefon: +49 9131 85-25892
- E-Mail:
You must register for courses and seminars yourself. You can find the courses on offer in the course catalogue (Campo), where you will also find instructions on how to register. Some subjects require that you register for courses online. For more information, contact your lecturer or the secretary’s office at your department. You can also ask your subject co-ordinator.
Currently, the Department of History at FAU does not offer courses taught in English or any other foreign language other than German on a regular base. However, many members of the teaching staff may respond to personal demands if requested. Please contact the respective lecturers in advance. Please note that a course program taught in English can not be guaranteed in any case.
Language Skills
Students who want to improve their proficiency in German during their stay at FAU may benefit from a wide range of courses on „German as a foreign language“ offered by the university’s Foreign Language Center. See also the courses in the „Key Qualifications“ program of the Humanities‘ Faculty.
Orientation and Integration at FAU
FAU runs an Erasmus Buddy Program with German students acting as contact persons for international incoming students.